Saturday, March 12, 2011

13.3.2011 Christchurch & Summary NZ

Maori church Akaroa
driving the 2 Islands I feel like a donky too
Weather improving on scenic drive
the last clouds scenic drive
almost back in Christchurch - blue skies appear finally
Weather: nice day and warm, cloudy in the morning.

Akaroa advertises a scenic drive through the hills of the Banks Peninsula. And so we wanted to profit as well. Getting up to the pass - about 500 m above sea level - we were in the clouds and could hardly m ake outthe road.......we made made it back to sea level ok......shame we missed the promised views. Blue skies appeared just before arriving in Christchurch - to make a good last impression of NZ

Arriving in Christchurch, we noticed nice houses with piles of brick in front garden - their chimneys had collapsed. A big problem was the liquifaction: through the earthquake the ground is compressed and the water pushed to the surface. Many areas were flooded with a grey mass, which after drying turns to dust. Many people wear masked for protection. tonight's hosts had two houses reduced to rubble and they don't consider propping them up...............start from scratch. In Christchurch there is a debate whether to rebuild the historic buildings or just to tear them down an start new.

Zusammenfassung unserer NZ-Odyssee
28.3. bis 14.3.2011
Neuseeland Tour: 2900 km und 14 Nächte im Camper übernachtet. Gekocht: 4 x  Microwellen Fertigfood und Rest im Restaurant.
Nationaltier: KIWI, daher wird ein Neuseeländer auch "Kiwi" genannt.
Fläche: 270'534 km2, 33 bis 53° südlicher Breite und 160 bis 173° westliche Länge
Distanz Nord-Süd: 1770 km
Einwohner: ca. 4.5 Millionen und damit eine Bevölkerungsdichte von 16 Personen pro km2
Wichtigste Wirtschaftspartner: Australien, China, Südkorea, Taiwan und Singapur
Wirtschaftszweige: Finanz, Handel, Tourismus, Industrie (v.a. Fleisch, Milchprodukte, Holz, Papier)

Le gouvernement a passé une loi qui va augmenter le prix par bouteille de vin. Les Kiwis trouvent leur vin bon marché aujourd'hui. Pour eux, bon marché signifie une bouteille pour 30 à 50 NZ$ (CHF 22-37/la bouteille) - bien entendu départ de la cave. Cette nouvelle loi a le but de réduire la production et donner plus aux producteurs, car il y en beaucoup de faillites dans ce secteur. Une limite de 0.800 kg par m, c'est une utopie pour eux. Leurs quota est illimité.

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