HWY leading up to Capital Hill |
Wolsley built in Australia (Austin) |
View from National Museum of Australia |
Capital Hill |
Capital Hill |
View onto Old Parliament House |
copy cats.................. |
Harwester |
Buffalo catcher |
Weather: sunny and warm
Canberra, die Hauptstadt Australiens liegt ca. 300 km südwestlich von Sydney im inneren des Kontinents. Der Ort wurde gewählt um die Rivalität zwischen Sydney und Melbourne zu stoppen. Am Anfang war Canberra nur eine Schaffarm am Mologlo Fluss. Der amerikanische Architekt Walter Burley Griffin wurde beauftragt eine flache, ausgedehnte und moderne Hauptstadt rund um einen See zu entwerfen. Canberra ist ein Aboriginal Wort und heisst „Versammlungsort“. Die Stadt ist rund um den Capital Circle angelegt. Grosszügig angelegt Stassen treffen Sternförmig am Capital Hill , Sitz des Parlaments und Senats und der gesammten Regierung, zusammen. Der Regierungssitz ist auf einem Hügel mit Sicht auf den See und die umliegenden Hügel. A propos „Hügel“, alles was mehr als 20 m aus der Ebene ragt wird als Hügel bezeichnet...........
After winning the competition in the early 1900's Griffin set out to outline a generous city around a large lake, later named „Lake Burly Griffin“. The example was Versaille. The city should showcase lakes, alley ways and terrasses leading up to the paliament house. 1913 the first work started, butc until 1921 not much was achieved. The peace between the city government and the architect didn't last long. They could agree on the size of the lake, Griffin wanted a much larger one than exists today. They actually finished the city in 1964, as it is today. Griffin was asked to be consult, but he refused.
The parliamentary triangle is „Capital Hill“ - „City Hill“ - „ Australian-American Memorial“ is housing the most prominent memorials, Governement buildings and sight-seeing places. In 1927 the „old parliament house“ was opened, Canberra being a small village and sheep station at the time. There are lots of places to visit. We wanted to experience Canberra on foot – doing an other 10K m trail. We decided on the National Museum of Australia. A very interesting place, depicting the early settlers as well as problems they had to overcome. Also their involvement in the 2 world wars is shown. A visit worth our while.
Then on foot to the Capital Hill. It is a modern building and seems quite recent. They have the same political system as the English. Actually everything seems leaning toward the English Culture. From the roof of the buildung you can admire the views and you can see the idea of the layout. The Australians even copied our Geneva fountain............
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